1) You call up center for your clearance on the ground at Sky Harbor airport (KDYT) and they say: “Piper 334FL, cleared to the St. Paul airport as filed, climb and maintain 4,000 expect 6,000 one zero minutes after departure, departure frequency is 125.45, squawk 0214, clearance void time is 2015z, time now 2000z.” What does Clearance Void Time mean?
2) 10 minutes later, you are in IMC and flying south on your filed route of V13 and you just passed over DAYAR. You realized that you haven’t heard radio transmissions in a while. You conclude that you have had a radio failure. What should you do?
3) You are still flying on V13 when you pass over WHISK. How can you identify this intersection?
4) You still have a communications failure and are approaching the KIKKY INT in IMC, the initial approach fix for the ILS RWY 32 into St. Paul. Your ETA is 2145z and right now its 2130z. What should you do?
5) You pick up the weather, and the reported temperature is -30 degrees Celsius. Your Piper Arrow is not a temperature compensating aircraft. Assuming you are approximately 2,000 ft AGL, what corrected altitude would you use as you pass KIKKY inbound?
6) As you shoot the approach, approximately how long will it take you to get from BABCO to the missed approach point at 90 knots groundspeed?
The airport diagram shows 3 white ovals across the approach end of runway 32. What are they?